Blog Four – Writing Tips

Finding a Place to Write

Don’t let the little things keep you from writing. Remember, they are little, but they can appear to grow larger and larger if not controlled. No, I am not writing about such things as ants, although you might not want to have them walking across your paper or keyboard as you are creating your masterpiece.

Then again, maybe I should mention ants and other such critters. Sometimes finding a place to write can be difficult. If your home is limited in space or there is frequently too much activity for you to have peace and quiet there, try working outside if convenient. Here in Tucson, Arizona that is often an option. Of course, along with the gentle breeze, or not so gentle breeze, there can also be bothersome and/or distracting critters and our glorious sun might not seem so glorious when the temperature reaches 100 degrees or above.

Oh my, I have already given you several reasons to not start writing.

If you look for reasons for not writing, you will find them.

Many authors love to work outside. If ants are bothersome, they find a way to avoid them and I am not writing about “nuking” the little guys. Such a simple solution as putting a small container filled with water under each leg of a plastic patio chair will do the trick. This also works for patio tables. If you have a pedestal table, you can use a child’s plastic wading pool and fill it with a few inches of water.

If you have trouble finding a place to write where you live, leave. Now there you go again. At least some of you are probably thinking, “See, I can’t write at this time. I’ll wait until I move to a bigger place or until the kids move out.” Have you thought about going to the library or to a coffee shop to write?

If you are a child, you should already have a quiet place where you can do your homework. If not, talk to your parents or other adults in your family who can help you set up a quiet area. Another option is listening to music to help you block out bothersome noises.

THINK! If you want to find a place to write, make it happen.




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